Tag: Siwan

सीवान में महावीरी अखाड़ा जुलूस को धूमधाम से निकाला गया: परंपरागत तरीके से निकाली गई झांकी, और ड्रोन की मदद से निगरानी बनाई गई।

सीवान में महावीरी अखाड़ा जुलूस को धूमधाम से निकाला गया: परंपरागत तरीके से निकाली गई झांकी, और ड्रोन की मदद से निगरानी बनाई गई।

शनिवार को जिले में शहर में महावीरी अखाड़ा निकाला गया। इस महावीरी झंडा मेले पर विभिन्न अखाड़ों के परंपरागत तरीके से जुलूस निकाले गए। इसके परिणामस्वरूप, पूरे शहर में जय श्रीराम और जय हनुमान के उद्घाटन से गुंजायमान हो गया। शहर के विभिन्न मोहल्लों से आवाजों में जुलूस निकलकर शांति वट वृक्ष के पास एकत्र हो गए। वहां से उन्होंने अपना पथ जारी रखा और लक्ष्मण रेखा, बड़ी मस्जिद, शहीद सराय, थाना रोड, दरबार के रास्ते तक जाते हुए अपना जुलूस समाप्त किया। अखाड़ा में निकाली गई झांकी के दौरान, लोग सड़कों के किनारे खड़े होकर झूलूस और अखाड़ा का दृश्य देखने के लिए एकत्र हुए। अखाड़ा में युवाओं ने कलाबाजी भी प्रस्तुत की, जिससे लोगों को हैरानी का सामना करना पड़ा। इस दौरान कई अन्य झांकियां भी प्रस्तुत की गईं। प्रशासन ने समय पर सभी अखाड़ों के झूलूस को निकाल दिया। झूलूस में सबसे पहले बजरंग बली की प्रतिमा निक...
महावीरी जुलूस आज आंदर में निकलेगा।

महावीरी जुलूस आज आंदर में निकलेगा।

आंदर नगर पंचायत के क्षेत्र में रविवार को आयोजित होने वाले महाबीरी झंडा जुलूस की तैयारी पूरी कर ली गई है। आंदर बाजार और परिसर क्षेत्र में महाबीरी और केसरिया झंडा से सजा हुआ है, जिससे झूलूस को लेकर युवाओं में उत्साह हासिल हो रहा है। आंदर बाजार से आरंभ होकर झूलूस का पथ धीरे-धीरे क्षेत्र के सभी गांवों तक पहुंच गया है। आंदर बाजार में युवाओं की टोली ने एक सप्ताह पहले से ही इस तैयारी में अपना सहयोग दिया है। आंदर नगर पंचायत के मुख्य आंदर बाजार में आज रविवार को आंदर महाबीरी चौतरा, हनुमान गढ़ी, घेराई, फरीदपुर हनुमान मंदिर और अन्य गांवों से बाजार में गाजे बाजे के साथ महाबीरी झंडा जुलूस निकाला जाएगा। इसके लिए आयोजन समिति ने नियमित अंतराल पर बैठक की और झूलूस की व्यवस्था पर निर्णय लिया है। समिति के पदाधिकारी ने तैयारियों का सवाल उठाया और इसकी सुनिश्चितता में काम किया है।...
Sangeeta Yadav became the Zilla Parishad president for the second time in Siwan

Sangeeta Yadav became the Zilla Parishad president for the second time in Siwan

Siwan. NDA-backed candidate and JD (U) general secretary Sangeeta Yadav has been elected Zilla Parishad president for the second time in a row. In the election of ZIP president held in the presence of District Magistrate Amit Kumar Pandey on Monday, Sangeeta Yadav defeated her nearest and only rival Mahagathbandhan supporter Asha Devi and captured the prestigious seat of the district board. Sivan. NDA-backed candidate and JD (U) general secretary Sangeeta Yadav has been elected Zilla Parishad president for the second time in a row. In the election of ZIP president held in the presence of District Magistrate Amit Kumar Pandey on Monday, Sangeeta Yadav defeated her nearest and only rival Mahagathbandhan supporter Asha Devi and captured the prestigious seat of the district board. On the ot...
Thawe Temple, Thawe wali Mata
Tourist Places

Thawe Temple, Thawe wali Mata

In Thawe block there is an old temple dedicated to Goddess Durga popularly known as “Thawe wali Mata”. It is believed that “Thawe wali Mata” fulfill the wishes of her devotees. This temple is also famous for a peculiar tree, the botanical family of which has not yet been identified. The tree has grown up like the cross. Various legends are prevalent in connection with the idol and the tree. A big fair is annually held here in the month of Chaitra (March -April).
Khuda Baksh Khan
Eminent Personalities of Siwan

Khuda Baksh Khan

Name – Khuda Baksh KhanDate of Birth – 2nd August, 1842Birth Place – Ukhai, Siwan BiharDate of Demise – 3rd August, 1908 He was born in village Ukhai, 6 k.m. from Siwan district on 2nd August 1842 in his parental house. The ancestors of Khuda Baksha were in service of King Alamgir. They were doing the work of book keeping and writing records of the kingdom. His father was a famous advocate in Patna. He was very fond of collecting hand written books and he was spending big part of his income on purchasing such books. His father brought Khuda Baksh to Patna from Ukhai. He passed his matriculation with very good marks from the Patna High School in 1859. His father sent him to Calcutta for higher studies. But he could not adjust himself to the new environment and he often had health prob...
Maulana Mazharul Haque (1866 – 1930) was a prominent Indian Muslim leader, scholar, and educationalist during the pre-independence era
Eminent Personalities of Siwan

Maulana Mazharul Haque (1866 – 1930) was a prominent Indian Muslim leader, scholar, and educationalist during the pre-independence era

Name – Maulana Mazharul HaqueDate of Birth – 22nd Decemeber, 1866Birth Place – Brahmpur, Patna, Bihar Mulana Mazharul haque was born on 22 dec.1866 in village Brahmpur, Thana Maner of Patna district. He got lot of land donated to him by his relatives and settled in villageFaridpur of district Siwan in 1900. He constructed a home in the village and named it ‘Ashiana’. Pandit Motilal Neharu in 1927, Smt. Sarojani Devi in 1928, Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya, K.F. Nariman, Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad visited his house ‘Ashiana’ in Faridpur. He was the only son among the three children’s of Sheikh Amedullah. The names of his sister were Gafrunisha and Kaneej Fatma. His father was a rich landlord. He got his primary education from a Maulvi at home. He passed his matriculation from Patna Collegia...
Dr. Rajendra Prasad (1884–1963) was an eminent Indian political leader, lawyer, and the first President of India
Eminent Personalities of Siwan

Dr. Rajendra Prasad (1884–1963) was an eminent Indian political leader, lawyer, and the first President of India

Name – Dr. Rajendra PrasadFather’s Name – Sri Mahadev SahaiDate of Birth – 3rd December, 1884Birth Place – Ziradei, Siwan BiharDate of Demise – 28th February, 1963 Dr. Rajendra Prasad, son of Mahadev Sahai, was born in Zeradei, siwan, Bihar on December 3, 1884. Being the youngest in a large joint family he was greatly loved. He was strongly attached to his mother and elder brother Mahendra. In Zeradei’s diverse population, people lived together in onsiderable harmony. His earliest memories were of playing “Kabaddi” with his Hindu and Muslim friends alike. In keeping with the old customs of his village and family, he was married when he was barely 12 years old to Rajvanshi Devi. He was a brilliant student; standing first in the entrance examination to the University of Calcutta, he wa...
Religions in Siwan
Culture Heritage

Religions in Siwan

The Siwan district is a home for people belonging to different communities. These communities even follow different religions of Hinduism and Muslim. There are also tribal people residing within the district that believe in gods and goddesses of their tribal community only.Most of the communities are residing in the district from very long time back, somewhere around before 1972 and have therefore become permanent residents of the district. Thus, Siwan boasts of having interesting mix of distinct communities and religions.
Costumes in Siwan
Culture Heritage

Costumes in Siwan

There are traditional yet beautiful outfits wore by Siwan’s people. For males, there are dhotis, kurtas, pajamas and even youngsters are found with shirt and trousers. The women in Siwan are dressed beautifully with traditional Ghaghara, choli and other dresses originating from Hindu culture.The Muslim gentry living in Siwan are seen in kurta, pajama and females in ‘burkas’. Overall, the costumes in Siwan are colorful and beautifully prepared.